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New! Automatic off-set adjustment within lathe processes and the IoT

September 23, 2020
New! Automatic off-set adjustment within lathe processes and the IoT

Within the machining processes, the adjustment of the differences of cut (off-set) for wear or variation is one of the important steps when it comes to keeping the product within the geometric tolerances of the original design. Often this implies the manufacture of a batch of production samples, which will be sent to the metrology laboratory to be measured and later their results will be reported back to the process engineers, who will feed back these variations within the cutting program or parameters. of the machine. This process is slow by itself; up to 24 hours depending on the complexity of the measurements or the laboratory workload. But what if we could do it automatically?

We present you the solution to the problem through the cooperation between Takisawa and Mitutoyo with their 'Lathe program automatic off-set system', which allows you to automatically send metrology data as feedback from process to the lathe through PLC. Since the communication protocols work over TCP-IP, no special instalations are required; your current Wi-Fi or ethernet data network is sufficient.

With this solution you can:

  • Accumulate micrometer measurement data directly to your system for analysis.
  • Send this data automatically to the lathe for adjustment preventing modifications to the code.
  • Minization of errors by manual manipulation of data and / or values

Yamazen offers you the complete solution including: data transmission capable measuring micrometers, TAKISAWA  lathe machine and the PLC device, and the feedback implementation within your cutting program.

Improve your product quality, reduce setup times, and optimize staff usage with this solution.

You can download the promotional flyer here.

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